Wondering how to celebrate Mother's Day?
My mother had a great deal of trouble with me, but I think she enjoyed it. ~ Mark Twain
The other day I asked Amanda where she was taking me for Mother’s Day. She responded with, “What makes you think I’m taking you anywhere.” (Pre-teens, don’t you just love them!) I cleverly responded with, “Since YOUR birthday is four days later I’ll ask the question again.”
If you have a warp sense of humor like my daughter, here are ways to honor your mother...
Help her around the house. What mom wouldn't love an extra hand or two for household chores? Help her with a project she's been putting off, or offer your services as an assistant for the day. She'll be proud of herself for raising such a thoughtful child.
Take her out. Whether you go to the movies, to the theater, or to the spa, there's no better gift than a few hours or a day away from the daily routine of work or home.
Spend the day with her. Regardless of what you choose to do, there's no better present for a mom than a little quality time with her child.
I love you. Throw in the words "I love you," and it's sure to be a day she won't soon forget.
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