Baking Cookies With Your Cat!
- Look in cookbook for cookie recipe.
- Get cup of coffee.
- Get cat off of cookbook.
- Find that special recipe.
- Get cat's nose out of coffee mug.
- Go to fridge and get eggs.
- Get dry ingredients from cupboard.
- Break eggs in small bowl.
- Sift dry ingredients in large bowl.
- Answer the phone.
- Cat ate eggs; get more from fridge.
- Get cat out of flour bowl and dust cat off.
- Get Band-Aids for scratches on hands.
- Throw flour out and get more.
- Preheat oven for cookies.
- Looking at cat & wanting to bake cat now. Cat runs for cover into bathroom.
- Flour the counter to roll out cookie dough.
- Big crash in bathroom; run to see what happened.
- Cat has TP all over floor; stuff spilled and knocked over on top of bathroom counter.
- Yell at cat. Cat falls in toilet bowl.
- Can sense cat is angry.
- Take cat out of toilet to dry cat off.
- Get bandages to cover more scratches on arms and legs.
- Cleanup bathroom.
- Hear a thump in kitchen ... Oh Golly ... now what?
- Get cat off floured counter in kitchen.
- Try to pick out cat hairs from flour.
- Step on cat's tail and get bitten.
- Get coat, car keys, and go to store to buy cookies!!!
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