Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Urge Canada's Prime Minister to put an end to the seal hunt

With more than 317,000 seals killed for their fur in 2005 alone -- 98% of whom were babies under three months of age -- Canada's harp seal hunt is the largest commercial hunt of marine mammals on earth. It is certainly the cruelest.

Although Canadian citizens don't support the seal hunt, the fishing industry and the federal government have refused to end it. With the recent election of Prime Minister Stephen Harper, there is renewed hope that 2006 will be the last year that seals are clubbed and shot to death on Canadian ice for their fur.

As Prime Minister Harper begins his term, we have an unprecedented opportunity to influence the Canadian government and save hundreds of thousands of baby seals.

Please click here to take action today to help end the cruel Canadian seal hunts by sending an e-mail to Prime Minister Harper immediately. Thank you!
